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When you outgrow your name - Introducing IMAGINI PHOTOGRAPHY

Updated: Nov 10, 2019

Imagini, photography by Patrycja.  Our new Name and Brand means more spoiling for you and your family !
Our new Name and Brand means more spoiling for you and your family !

When I started my photographer business, I had just had my two beautiful girls. My entire life was about my girls and about my family. Not only that, but my entire approach to my work was reflective of my life. My life was about my girls, so my photography was all about the kids. So its not surprising that I named by business and my art after my whole family. I took the first two letters of each one of our names and created Papa Vibes photography. It was so magical and so amazing photography your children and being their very first photographer. And I was so proud and excited to create my business based on the most important people in my life!

Pa Pa Vi Bes

Patrycja Pandora Victoria Ben

That really hasn’t changed. My children are my world and there is nothing more amazing than photography the beauty of children, capturing the first glimpse of their emerging personalities, their wonder at the world around them and the happiness they feel from your love that just beams from their beautiful big wondrous eyes.

It has been about 5 years since I started building my photography business, and WOW how it has evolved and grown. Thank you so much for supporting me! I have always aimed at providing each of my clients, and my new friends the very best of photography, experience and the memories you take home with you. Its not surprising since then my children have grown, and so have I….

My girls are now 6 and 7. I see them become more independent and becoming their own person. They are still my world, but like most women and mothers we come to a point where something needs to be a little bit about us. We need things that are just for us. And as I have come to need something to be a little bit about me, my photography and my art has also come to reflect this need by mothers and women to have something be a bit about them.

So my focus has shifted a little bit. It has become more about you, more about mum and more about women. This has happened for two reasons. Firstly, it is still very much about your children. When I take photos of your children, its really for you. Your kids like their photos, but you know photos of your kids are really for you. What is actually more important to your kids is their mums, seeing them happy, but more importantly seeing them happy with THEM! Most mums don’t like being in photos, and are not happy to be in photos. Your kids feel this, they see this. That is why making you excited about being in your photos, making mums love being in their photos is so important. Having your children see and feel your real excitement about being in photos with them is something they will treasure always! Much more so than just photos of themselves!

And secondly, you truly deserve something to be a little bit about you! We work hard, we give it our all, and we put ourselves last. That does take a toll. On our self value, on our self image and on how we see ourselves. We are only human, and when we give our kids our all, when we put in so much at work, at home, even our relationships…. Its usually us that misses out on much needed T&C.

I want to remind you how beautiful you still are and show you the most beautiful photos of yourself that you have ever seen. I also want to take the stress out of organising a family photo shoot. I want you to feel excited and happy. That to me means just show up! I will take care of your hair and make up, your outfits, and even the kids outfits. How easy is that?

So because my focus has shifted a little bit more towards you, mum ! Our name Papa Vibes no longer really reflects where we are and the direction we are going. While the name Papa Vibes was never really about the vibes of dads, it was all about my beautiful family. Most people when they come across Papa Vibes first think of dads. Which really doesn’t reflect my focus on women and motherhood! So I have chosen Imagini, which inspires imagination and creativity, with a little exotic luxury twist.

Papa Vibes has always been about creating beautiful photos for you. I have also always wanted you to have something special to take home and eventually gift your children when they grow up. So many clients and friends have discovered how amazing portrait products like wall art and our portrait boxes are. While we always offer digital copies of every portrait you buy, most people just love their portrait products, they barely care about the digitals. I will continue to find only the best products for you to gift your children and enjoy every day by simply walking past them.

So the important things we have always done will remain the same. While our focus on the most important things in your life as a mother will expand to actually include you as someone who is important and at the forefront of each experience. I will continue to photograph your children in the most beautiful magical way, but I will also ensure you are excited and happy to be in your photos, and love being in big wall art that you can show off in your home!

You are beautiful always.

To celebrate our new name, direction and brand we would love to challenge you to try us out! We are an obligation and pressure free service! We have no minimum spend and you only buy the photos you love the most!

Fill in our little survery found here, and receive our very special offer. Pay only $95 for your photoshoot and receive $150 credit towards photos! Just in time for mothers day!







Tel. 0417 377 377



Tuesday                    10am - 2pm

Friday                       10am - 2pm


Saturday                    8am - 7pm

Sunday                      8am - 7pm



Tuesday and Friday

 10:00 - 14:00


Saturdays and Sundays


by appointment ONLY

Unit 1

6 Hume Road

Smithfield NSW 2164


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Get to know Trish Polak and everything that Imagini Secrets have to offer with our social media accounts.

Instagram is the best place to see my latest work and an overview of my portfolio of work in a quick and easy glance.

TikTok is fabulous to really get to know me as a person, and really see the behind the scenes of my photoshoots, as well as recent studio changes including product samples.

LinkedIn is my resume, learn about my career and experience.

YouTube is great if you are a photographer, or want to see me edit.  I offer step by step videos on how I edit from beginning to end.

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Welcome to Imagini Secrets VIP

Imagini Secrets is a Boudoir and Maternity photography studio, located in Smithfield Sydney.  It is owned and operated by Trish Polak, since 2014. 


Imagini Secrets does not share or sell information to third parties.

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